According to Fangoria, Genius Products/Dimension Extreme have set the release dates for Pulse 2: Afterlife and Vipers.
As you can see, Vipers stars the down but not quite out Tara Reid along with the one and only Corbin Bersen in a tale of genetically-altered snakes run wild, terrorizing hotel guests on an isolated island. What I'm most interested in is Reid's performance, as reports surfaced of her arriving on set intoxicated and barely functioning after long nights of partying. I wouldn't be too shocked to see a half-awake, bored with it performance from her given the evidence.
Pulse 2: Afterlife continues where the 2006 sequel left off, people having fled the ghost-infested and infected cities for refugee camps out in the middle of nowhere. The Kristen Bell-starring remake wasn't terrible but definitely was not great either. I hope that the fact that this new film was made with an R-rating in mind from the start leads to improvement.
Vipers hits DVD September 23 with Pulse 2: Afterlife streeting a week later on September 30.
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