Continuing where the 2006 original left off, Rest Stop: Don't Look Back tells of more unsuspecting travelers who are terrorized by the killer at the title locale, along with the creepy family with the deformed son in the RV. The original, called simply "Rest Stop" was a mostly decent little exercise in back to basics thrills. The only problem was that the writer was a veteran of "The X-Files" and threw in some unnecessary supernatural elements that detracted from the film. I hope that they are toned down for the follow-up and instead, the filmmakers focus on creating a breakneck thrill ride that contains a terrifying element of realism. The whole appeal of the original was that it could happen to anyone so the supernatural angles greatly detracted from that. Let's hope they have righted wrongs the second time around.
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back hits DVD October 7 via Raw Feed Films and Warner Bros.
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