Dungeon Girl is from schlockmaster himself Ulli Lommel. His one claim to fame was the 1980 horror film you see mentioned their on the cover of his latest. After that, he languished in obscurity until Lionsgate approached him about making a series of "horror" films, usually based on true stories. He has since churned out 12 (!) productions in a span of four years, all of them incredibly amateurish and painful to watch. They're the kind of shot on video crap that anyone could make with a camera and a few friends. I'd like to think Dungeon Girl would be different but odds aren't in my favor.
Trapped Ashes is a new entry in the increasingly rare horror anthology sub-genre. For that alone it is exciting as the first two "Creepshow" films, directed by the likes of George A. Romero, showed the brilliance that such a format could offer. I only hope Trapped Ashes is more like "Creepshow" than the forgettable "Creepshow 3."
Dungeon Girl streets July 8 with Trapped Ashes following a week later.
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